Tuesday, July 22, 2014

28mm Edo Japan: The Ronin, Samurai, and a Kid.

Democracy at work.
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll! It was a clear victory for the Edo collection. These miniatures have been designed for skirmish gaming so I started with un armored figures. Bear in mind that the Edo period is historically the twilight hours for the Samurai. The bright colors of earlier periods have fallen out of fashion and are replaced by more muted colors.

Each group or "Buntai" as the Ronin ruleset calls them is defined on the table top by a similar color. In the case of the Ronin, I use variations of blue. It's just a way to let players further identify the roles of the figure in the game.

28mm Perry Miniatures: Ronin

28mm Perry Miniatures: Ronin

Conversion: Lone Wolf / Miyamoto Musashi
The last miniature is a head swap. I also added long hair (hard to see in the picture) and played up the mustache and beard. Miyamoto Musashi was known to keep his hair and clothing unkempt as means of distracting his opponents. If you are a fan of Samurai tales and don't know of Lone Wolf and Cub you owe it to yourself to find out.

28mm Perry Miniatures: Ronin and son / Miyamoto Musashi

Employed Samurai
The next group represent Samurai that are still employed. Sort of the middle class Samurai for this period. Their group color is green and they tend to have more detailed and brighter colored clothing than the Ronin to show their status.

28mm Perry Miniatures: Samurai

28mm Perry Miniatures: Samurai

Pro Tip: If you have two of the same casting, paint them in completely different color schemes to hide the similarity.

28mm Perry Miniatures: Samurai


  1. Nice work! I wish you had some more lighting for photographing. It's hard to see all the detail.
